Here at the Lodge we take great pride in offering a truly vegetarian choice on our evening dinner menu. Our definition of Vegetarian includes milk, cheese and eggs by the way. I know there are other definitions but that's the one we work with currently. What we're about is making vegetarian food look and taste great, and so we love it when a confirmed meat eater chooses a veggie dish to try for those reasons! Our recent favourite has been an Aubergine Galette, a roasted stack of aubergine, kumara, mushroom and tomato, topped with lemon creme fraiche and parmesan cheese.
Now that we've got a more established vegetable garden we plan to offer seasonal choices throughout the year. At the moment, asparagus is cropping beautifully, and in a while we'll have leeks, onions, Kale, and artichokes, amongst lots of other stuff. There's still a skein of home grown garlic bulbs hanging in the pantry. There's nothing wrong with meat, we always have a meat and fish choice too, which I'll talk about some other time, but veggies offer the most wonderfully varied palatte of tastes and textures to play with. My inspiration at the moment is Denis Cotter's book, Seasons, from his restaurant over in Ireland, Cafe Paradiso. Take a look. You'll find delight and inspiration aplenty!
Now that we've got a more established vegetable garden we plan to offer seasonal choices throughout the year. At the moment, asparagus is cropping beautifully, and in a while we'll have leeks, onions, Kale, and artichokes, amongst lots of other stuff. There's still a skein of home grown garlic bulbs hanging in the pantry. There's nothing wrong with meat, we always have a meat and fish choice too, which I'll talk about some other time, but veggies offer the most wonderfully varied palatte of tastes and textures to play with. My inspiration at the moment is Denis Cotter's book, Seasons, from his restaurant over in Ireland, Cafe Paradiso. Take a look. You'll find delight and inspiration aplenty!